
Front window, Tired after working 9-5

if someone drags their bicycles downstairs
its back tire jumping, the bike rattling loud from step to step
seemingly this rusting hulk, jagged.

is a way of gauging one's intelligence?
or is it simply a poorly thought out
or executed movement
from point a to point b.

why should i bother with intelligence
because i found her at least remotely attractive?
this having peeked interest in this creature
long enough to notice,
motions, skill and dexterity.

evolutionary factors
cracks in the seam separating
those living

my logical reasoning
in writing this
demonstrating our differences...
the only separations

maybe it's that we're really just,
better at different things

and I shouldn't cut you down
for dragging back tires
down concrete stairs.


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Toronto, ON, Canada


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